Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Dhaka City Motorcycle Safety Riding Analysis and Recommendation

BanglaMotor is an organization based on Bangladesh. the organization working in various vehicle safety field. They make an analysis and recommendation about Dhaka City motorcycle riders safety. 

Motorcycle Safety in Dhaka City

Motorcycle or bike using percentage is going up day by day in all over the country Bangladesh, especially in capital city Dhaka, which already bee a mega-city and huge crowded place in the world. Public transport in Dhaka is not modernized yet. So many old model vehicles are moving in this mega-city which have no fitness no legal papers even no authorized driver. Those vehicles are not following proper safety also. Another problem in Dhaka city’s roads and highway sector which is rickshaw. Almost all the main roads in Dhaka rickshaw are moving slowly and cause a big traffic jam.
As a result city dwellers are going to depend on personal vehicle. But question is which personal vehicle they prepare? Now a day’s most of the people prepare motorcycle or bike as their personal vehicle for using Dhaka city. That’s why huge number of new motorcycles or bikes is increasing each year in Dhaka. But bikers or motorcycle users are in big safety and security risk especially in Dhaka, most often they clashing with other vehicle as a result occurred serious injure and even spot died.
  • BanglaMotor make an analysis and discover that, how a motorcycle or bike users can make safe riding in megacity Dhaka. BanglaMotor also suggest a motorcycle or bike safety riding rules to follow each and every bike or motorcycle users in Dhaka, so that the unexpected accident will be minimized.
  •  Do not make motorcycle speed up more than 40 Kilometers per hour even it is empty road. During our experiment period, we observe after traffic signal motorcycle users or bikers are moving with very high speed it is more than 70 Kmph for a very short while. You may lose control and may fall on a big accident.
  • Do not drive motorcycle in footpath or very near the footpath. While traffic jam, we observe so many motorcycles are moving in footpath and also near the footpath, which also cause accident. City footpath is only for those who don’t have any vehicle.
  •  Do not change your track most often. To avoid traffic jam and go faster and faster, some of motorcycle users openly change their track as like as snake forwarding, which cases a big accident even spot died.
  • Motorcycle Ride singly or with only a pillion, do not travel full family with a single motorcycle. It is very risk in highway, any time occur mishap.
  • Keep your motorcycle always fit and clean. Do not ride motorcycle, those are lack of fitness. A well fitness and cleanness rise confidence and control to the bike.
  • Keep all the registration papers, driving license and insurance paper up-to-date. This also helpful to improve your confidence level.
  •  Follow local traffic rules properly.
  • Keep in your mind safety always first.

Although Dhaka is an over populated mega-city, but its law and order situation is good enough. Low enforcement members are always hard working to keep everything under control including roads and highway division. It is good to see city dwellers also respecting law and order. BanglaMotor also wants to see a safe and secure Dhaka city.

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